Digitalt prat v. 9

I samarbete med Porter Novelli Global samlar vi varje vecka intressanta och läsvärda spaningar om det ständigt föränderliga medielandskap som vi och våra kunder verkar i och anpassar oss efter.

Ofta handlar det om sociala medier, andra gånger om helt andra saker. Alltid på engelska. Trevlig läsning!

Social Media

Marketers know the value of social data but interpretation remains a challenge

  • “(Brands) are rapidly creating content that drives more response and engagement, making on-the-fly changes to marketing plans and developing marketing initiatives around topics and events that are trending on social media. Some marketers are also using real-time social data for strategic business decisions, such as product development.”

Comment: This is a vital role that agencies play, interpreting the data that comes out of the publishing programs and turning that into intelligence to base business decisions off of, not only in how to improve the program itself but what audience sentiment and insights can be drawn out of it.

Social media disaster for Burger King: Twitter feed says chain sold to McDonald’s

  • “On Monday, Burger King’s official Twitter feed announced the chain had been sold to its rival and began posting pro-McDonald’s messages and tales of employee drug use. The strange Twitter activity took place after hackers apparently took control of Burger King’s account and replaced its name and image with the McDonald’s logo.”

Comment: Jeep’s Twitter account was similarly hacked shortly thereafter, likely by the same group or person, which should be a reminder to not only have secure logins but to have a strategy for how to deal with the aftermath of an incident like this.


Twitter’s Publishing Offspring, Medium, Tries Out Commenting:

  • “…the noting process (is) as easy as moving your cursor over the text you’d like to comment on, clicking on a little ”+” icon, and typing in your feedback. The trick is that only you and the author of the piece get to see your comment at first. On receipt of an email concerning the comment, the author can reply, or permanently ”hide” the note, or choose to make it public–whereafter anyone else can comment on the note, too.”

Comment: There’s a little bit of “feature creep” at play here since Medium’s initial value proposition was that it was lightweight and didn’t come bogged down with lots of other features. It actually raises the question of why this would appeal an an alternative to WordPress or other platforms.


Why newspaper sports journalists don’t like Deadspin

  • “With stories on imaginary girlfriends and sexual harassment, Deadspin broke one of those unwritten rules, and reported on what happens outside the lines. That’s going to piss off a lot of sports reporters and editors.”

PN Connect: Deadspin and other publications like it don’t play by traditional journalism rules and they’re attracting readers in droves. That’s not to say they don’t still practice good journalism, but the fact that they ignore areas where older publications have traditionally drawn boundaries frees them up to do a lot more interesting stuff that’s appealing to new readers.

Emerging Tech

Vimeo acquires GIF-making app Echograph to challenge Vine & Cinemagram

  • “Echograph is an app that lets you create a GIF by first taking five seconds of video and then using your finger to animate which parts of that video you want to move. Essentially, it creates a photograph with a little bit of video in it. The app used to cost $2.99 but now it will be free.”

Comment: The mighty GIF continues to be a big player in the media world these days and a lot of companies are putting some sizable muscle into facilitating their creation and distribution.

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