Intressanta spaningar från Porter Novelli

Vad passar bättre i Lucia-tider än en spaning från våra kollegor i Porter Novelli? Nedan kan du läsa om en misslyckad twitterkampanj som ändå gav ett bra resultat, att Badoo blivit tredje största sociala nätverk i Brasilien samt en överblick om Googles första försök att introducera annonser i deras sociala nätverk Google+.

Trevlig läsning!

Social Media

Uh-Oh – SpaghettiOs Trolls Pearl Harbor Day

”SpaghettiOs decided to commemorate the attack on Pearl Harbor by tweeting an image of its mascot, Mr. O, holding an American flag, grinning maniacally and assuming a rather defiant left-arm akimbo stance. There is, of course, a hashtag involved.”

PNConnect Insight – Let’s be clear and point out that brands marking occasions like this is not inherently bad. But 1) It needs to be better than not saying anything at all and 2) A moment like this needs to not be turned into a self-promotional opportunity. It was by taking a branded, light-hearted approach to this – and leaving the tweet up for 12+ hours, which betrays a lack of response infrastructure- that created the problem for the brand.


 Didn’t Plan Those ’Sound of Music Live’ Tweets

”But the brand gained tons of national attention by exhibiting just enough snark while avoiding embarrassing mistakes that could have come from live-tweeting a show whose plotlines included nuns and Nazi references.”

PNConnect Insight – An interesting counterpoint to the SpaghettiOs story, this shows a brand – working closely with an agency partner – that wasn’t so much doing “Real Time Marketing” as just showing that they were being in the moment during a cultural event. While that sounds notable it shouldn’t be, particularly if the brand you’re dealing with is in the entertainment (or sports or whatever) space as well.



Becomes No. 3 Social Network in Brazil

”The most significant change, however, came with Badoo’s ascension to third-most-visited social network site in Brazil, pushing both of Google’s social networks, Google+ and the declining-but-popular orkut, even further from the top.

PNConnect Insight – As always it’s good to see what’s happening in the world of region-specific social networks. Unfortunately this report doesn’t go into why Badoo is gaining ground – does it have unique functionality that is making it more popular? – but it’s still interesting to see.



 Debuts +Post Ads: Lets Brands Turn Google+ Content Into Ads On GDN

”Google has introduced its first monetization effort for its social networking platform, Google+. Rather than running ads directly within the platform, Google has announced a new ad unit called +Post ads, which allow brands to turn their Google+ content into expandable display ads. Those ads can then run across the Google Display Network.”

PNConnect Insight – There are all sorts of things that could be read into why Google opted for off-domain monetization. But the gist is that by going this route it’s trying to encourage brands to publish more on Google+ and then use that content as fan-acquisition material.

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