Kära Stockholm,

Sommaren 2018 praktiserade Conley Owen från Emmanuel College i Boston hos oss. Här är hennes hälsning. Är du intresserad av att praktisera på Prat PR? Kontakta oss på praktik@prat.se.

When I boarded my flight on June 28th to come from Boston I wasn’t sure what to expect from you. I had never been outside North America, I had never been this far away from my family and I had really never interned anywhere before. The only thing I really knew about you was, “Stockholm Syndrome” and “ABBA.” But, over the past weeks I have learned so much from you and have fallen in love with you.

I am so impressed with the people that reside in you. Almost everyone here is bilinglual and I thought America was doing well with gender equality but you, Sweden are doing amazing.

My first day at Prat PR

On my first day at Prat PR I felt so welcomed. I have never felt like I was unwanted here and I always enjoyed what I was working on. Because of Prat I now am even more interested in PR! I love working at Prat and I am sad to leave.

Thank you Stockholm for everything

Thank you for being so safe. Thank you for having friendly people. Thank you letting me be in your country and letting me intern at an amazing company like Prat, thank you for being beautiful. Lastly, thank you for all the memories I have made. Because of you I now have an urge to travel and to explore more of the world and come back to see you again. The 2 months that I have been here have been the best 2 months of my life and I will never forget you. I hope you enjoyed having me as much as I enjoyed being here.

Yours truly,


Skrivet av Prat PR
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